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Horton Law Firm Blog Unfair Trade Practices

 | Unfair Trade Practices

Businesses in South Carolina, around the country and around the world can be found to be using unfair trade practices or unfair competition. These usually come about because companies and individuals are in fierce competition not only to survive, but to thrive in their industry. With this intense competition to get ahead, some companies will do whatever it takes, including employing unfair business practices.

The South Carolina Unfair Trade Practices Act is in place to protect companies competing with businesses who employ unfair trade and the consumers who may be lead astray by these actions. Greenville’s Horton Law Firm has attorneys ready to discuss your claim with you.


The South Carolina Unfair Trade Practice Act provides for private right of action (i.e., to file a lawsuit) for any losses suffered due to another person’s “unfair methods of competition and unfair or deceptive acts or practices in any trade or commerce…. Any person who suffers any ascertainable loss of money or property as a result of an unfair trade practice may bring a suit for damages.” In fact, a court has the discretion to award up to three times the actual damage caused by that person or business’ bad conduct, as well as reimbursement for attorneys’ fees.


These claims can take various forms. Some common examples include:

  • Deceptively advertising a live musical performance .
  • Misleading, false, or deceptive advertising by an attorney.
  • Misrepresenting food as a product of South Carolina when it was grown, caught, raised, or harvested in another location.
  • Pyramid clubs or similar schemes.
  • Requiring specific insurance coverage to obtain a loan for a vehicle.
  • Scalping tickets/reselling event tickets for more than $1 above the original purchase price.


Whether you are a South Carolina business that has become unable to fairly compete because of unfair trade actions, or you are an individual that have been damaged by this behavior, the Horton Law Firm can help. Contact our office to provide further information about your unfair trade practices claim.

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