Employees in South Carolina who request or use a medical leave of absence (whether intermittent leave or continuous leave) under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) often face retaliation for FMLA leave by their employer. Retaliation for FMLA leave can take... read more
For South Carolina employees facing injuries or medical issues, the prospect of understanding how FMLA leave and and ADA accommodations work together can be daunting and confusing. Not only are you trying to handle the physical and emotional fallout from the... read more
Many pregnant employees in South Carolina will face sort some of pregnancy discrimination during their careers. I regularly get calls from employees throughout the state who are high performing individuals who get pregnant, inform their employer, and then suddenly... read more
For South Carolina employees, the difference between intermittent leave and continuous leave under the FMLA (Family and Medical Leave Act) can be a confusing one to figure out. Especially since most employees are learning about FMLA leave while going through a... read more
The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) applies to South Carolina employers with more than 50 employees within a 75 mile radius of where the employee works. However, a South Carolina employee only becomes eligible for FMLA leave if the employee has been employed for... read more
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