A growing trend in nursing homes has many families worried about their financial futures. Nursing home chains have begun suing for legal guardianship of patients in order to seize control of their assets. While their actions are presented as necessary for patients who... read more
All the talk of “end of life counseling” and the demagoguery of “death panels,” raises issues that all of us need to answer: What are your wishes when your time comes? How do you want to die? What steps do you want taken to prolong your life? We should spare our... read more
Folks in South Carolina have limited options for 24/7 skilled nursing care, and the difficulty of accurately assessing quality of care in advance only adds to the problem. As we have pointed out before, understaffing is one of the major causes of neglect in nursing... read more
In most nursing home cases, it is all about the standard of care. In South Carolina, a nursing home negligence case will generally have an experienced and knowledge nurse who testifies that there was a breach of the standard of care (if not multiple breaches). In this... read more
There were lots of facts that lead to the favorable result in my first case. First, the family was good people. Second, there were multiple examples of understaffing with harmful consequences. Third, there were clear falsifications of records, like the flow care chart... read more
I have another nursing home neglect case in which a nursing home (this time Magnolia Place of Greenville) has required a potential resident to waive her right to a jury trial in order to be admitted. The nursing home industry has been hit hard by lawsuits for... read more