If you are not a lawyer on Twitter, you probably don’t know @RussRunkel, @elinfonet, @ Eric_B_Meyer or @taxgirl (my personal favorite). And if you don’t know these four, there are many others you don’t know. And what else don’t you NOT know? These four and about 20 other lawyers whom I follow on Twitter are connecting me to articles about the law, cases about issues important to my practice area, and blogs about the practice of law (blawgs).
Also, Twitter has a search capability that allows you to do use a search engine to search all the “tweets” on a particular topic. So, if I want to know what is being said about “noncompetes” or the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA), I can search those terms and find people and ideas that will be helpful to me.
Of course, there is always the risk of information overload. Twitter can consume your time and attention. But for me, I have found that the reward has been well worth it. I am connected to interesting and smart people who are connecting me to ideas and information. I am a better-informed lawyer, and my clients are better represented. Does your lawyer use Twitter?