For South Carolina employees who are thinking about bringing a lawsuit against an employer, one issue we have to discuss is the possible impact that such a lawsuit might have on future employment or reputation. This includes possible retaliation for participating in a... read more
I’ve already have South Carolina employees reaching out to me about getting fired for missing work due to a hurricane, such as Hurricane Helene, which plowed through Georgia, North Carolina, and South Carolina last Friday. I expect employers firing employees for... read more
South Carolina employees often face retaliation for making complaints to management or HR about unpaid overtime or minimum wage under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). Some companies do not like being called out on their wage theft practices, and that can result in... read more
Employees in South Carolina who request or use a medical leave of absence (whether intermittent leave or continuous leave) under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) often face retaliation for FMLA leave by their employer. Retaliation for FMLA leave can take... read more
For South Carolina employees who have been sexually harassed and need to make sexual harassment complaints, the prospect of reporting such harassment to management or HR can be daunting. Retaliation can and does often happen, both by the harasser being reported and by... read more
When it comes to retaliation claims, it’s essential to know whether the South Carolina employee has engaged in what the law calls “protected conduct.” Normally this takes the form of a complaint, written or verbal, where the employee complains about... read more